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Hannah Cryle – Super Circus Squad
Amazing feats from a circus strong woman!
Event, Kids & Families, Performance, Schools & Teachers
Monday 18th November 2019
11.00am - 12.00pm
Town Hall
Hannah Cryle brings her amazing Super Circus Squad show to the Ararat Town Hall!
Super Circus Squad is a superhero origin story about two brand-new circus superheroes. High-energy acrobatics, aerials stunts, slapstick comedy and a whole lot of power posing. In this highly interactive journey, kids and adults join in to help our heroes find their powers, fears, strengths, weaknesses and – most importantly – their names! They will need as much help as they can get in order to defeat their super villain, the audience VILLAINTEER! Choose your words wisely.
The underlying message of this show is one of mutual respect while at the same time turning traditional gender stereotypes on their head. The show’s creator Hannah Cryle is passionate about creating shows for children that demonstrate non-typical gender role models, as are performers Tarah Carey (strong woman, base, catcher) and Reece Cooper (acrobat, flyer, aerialist). Through the course of the show both Carey and Cooper display strength, grace, cleverness and stupidity in equal measure in a deliberate attempt to untie those traits from any one gender. The pair play equal roles throughout the show deferring to each other’s expertise and celebrating each other’s strengths. Super Circus Squad illustrates appropriate communication and relationships between men and women.
Warning: contains both sudden and sustained loud noises, and a high level of audience participation